Thursday, June 14, 2007

Some Things I've Done Outside

The video above is a compilation of a lot of the crazy stuff I've done over the past few years. I made a cheesy song to go with it too.

I really enjoy making music, but I feel I'm not to the point yet where I really have control over what I'm doing (especially my voice) so I'm very self conscious, but I figure, what the hell, I should share it, even if it is embarrassing. At least the visuals are fun, right?

I'm a paranoid human being. I always think that people are going to hate the stuff I make--I'm critical, but I guess that helps me push myself to make good stuff.

About once or twice a year I receive some form of hate mail, but it's always from some idiot who doesn't have the guts to leave his/her name or email.

All in all, I do hope that people enjoy what I make and like me as a person, but I will always do what I do, even if my only audience is me. In the words of Daniel Johnston:

I'm walking down that empty road
But it ain't empty now... because I'm on it
I'm getting closer to a hope
That I can carry and take home with me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Tom! I love that video. It made me smile. It's going to be hard to write this and not sound creepy or sarcastic, so I'll try my best. What you said about being worried about what people will think about you and your work is not a feeling isolated just to you. I have that exact same feeling every time I post a video on youtube or hand in a paper to a teacher. Even walking down the hallway at at school. Like you, I have also received forms of hate mail through youtube. These people blocked me moments after they sent their little messege so I couldn't respond to them in any way. I have been watching your toons and vids, and listening to you songs since Manyard (sp?) and I think you are an awesome, and hilarious guy! You've always reminded me of myself and that's why I check your website everyday for updates. So that's my little comment. Happy Birthday!