I do a lot of thinking.
When I do things, it causes me to feel certain ways, but sometimes things that I feel cause me to do certain things. I think that Feeling and Thinking should get married and have a baby named Living.
Once divorced, Thinking will buy a condo in the city, while Feeling will move in with its parents. Apart from each other, they will both sit at home and do nothing except think and feel, respectively. Meanwhile, Living will become behind in school, not turn in assignments, miss the bus, and wet the bed. At night, Living will dream that Thinking and Feeling are back together again, playing tennis and eating sandwiches.
But not true.
Thinking and Feeling are happily married with a decent sex life. They currently reside in the hills of Nogin where they raise Living and grow strawberries. Thinking works very hard at the square store, building squares, while Feeling assigns meaning to each square.
Thinking and Feeling have a sizable income and continually invest in Living's future. Living plays baseball and likes animals.
A healthy family is a happy family.
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