Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kid Show, Big and Beautiful

So a year or two ago, I uploaded Kid Show to youtube and it looked like a piece of crap. I patiently waited for compression qualities to improve on video portals like youtube, and the waiting has finally paid off, thanks to You can now watch Kid Show, BIG, and CLEAN, in STEREO (ooooo) on So for those of you who always watched the tiny, crappy version on my website, this should be a treat for you.

Also, I've been very inspired by The Mighty Boosh. If you've never heard of it, watch some clips on youtube. It's a silly, British, surrealistic, comedy show.


p/pp said...

Your most complete work, I think (from what I remember!). I like it very much!

tom deslongchamp said...

Thanks! Yeah, I spent the more time on it than any of my other animations.

Snarky Shadow Studio said...

Bold Beautiful High Def!!! I saw you in pictures on Joel Trussel's blog and wondered how're you doin.'