In other news, I've been uploading a crap load of videos on youTube. I find it liberating to just dump random stuff and not worry about explaining it. I should do that with my website, but I have too much pride. Check me out sometime:
Also, I have some exciting news, but I'm not allowed to share it, so here is a vague brief:
my animated short "Kid Show" was accepted to ______ Film Festival and I am going to attempt to attend the festival in _______, __ this ________. I'm stoked to have the opportunity to get my stuff out there.
I'm taking piano lessons and I can play Jingle Bells with both hands at once.
I've been drawing incessantly. I will soon add my second sketchbook titled "Regular Interprize" (purposely misspelled) to my website soon and I'm already 1/4 through my new pink sketchbook. I am so pumped to draw, I'm not even self-conscious about my pink sketchbook anymore.
Reading helps your brain. I just wish I could enjoy it all the time. I lose interest in writing pretty quickly unless it's David Shrigley, Richard Brautigan, or Shel Silverstein.
Oh, and I just submitted my High Speed Pinball NES(Nintendo) high score to Twin Galaxies(video game score keepers), so after the video is verified, I will have the highest score for that game in... the... world.
1 comment:
i had this looooonng summer reading list and the only thing that got read was Trout Fishing in America. I love new information, but i too move to fast to read big boy books it seems.
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