I was on the bus to go home from work. I found a seat next to a woman who was talking on her cell phone. I was a little annoyed, because I try to get off the phone as quick as I can if I get a call while on the bus. A few minutes after she was finished with the call, I noticed she was quietly weeping. I don't talk to people on the bus very often, so I felt awkward, but wanted to say something. It was none of my business, but I knew I couldn't sit there and pretend that she wasn't crying.
"You going to be ok?" I asked.
"Yeah *sniff* ... big news."
"Oh, sorry, I wish I had a tissue to give you."
Still crying, she joked "t's ok, it's what sleeves are for."
She couldn't stop crying and I couldn't do much more. I sat quietly and waited. Then I had a strange epiphany. I heard myself say "There is a veil over my eyes."
The crying woman was upsetting, but the interaction itself brought a peace to my heart. I thought about how fearful I am about speaking to people I don't know. I thought about how hard I try to keep to myself on the bus, or in public.
I wondered how many people on that bus were hurting in worse ways without any outward signs. I thought about how lonely I get on the bus.
It's so much better to reach out to people than to not, but my pride prevents me. I'm glad it was different this time.
Imagine a city known for it's humility.
2 weeks ago